Monday, August 3, 2009

Jajo (egg)

The egg in Poland is important. It's used in many dishes from soups, breads, dishes, salads, or just boiled. I also understand that sometimes since the eggs are not pasteurized in Poland that you can also purchase eggs that have a partial embryo.

I walked to the local market to pick up a few items for breakfast and purchased 2 eggs. Not a dozen or 6 like you can in America but just 2 single eggs. I didn't think anything about it because well, I'm in Poland. But now after consideration of what I have learned over the last couple of weeks, I'm wondering if these eggs have the partial embryo. Guess I'll find out tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.

My cousin Anna made an unusual dish the other day. I wanted to share a photo of the dish and then list the ingredients so you can ponder over the multiple flavors of the dish.

Hard-boiled eggs
cabbage with mayonnaise and dill
chopped ham

I've listed the ingredients from top to bottom so if you want to try this salad, start with the chopped ham on the bottom and work your way up.

The ingredients are placed in the bowl in layers so when you look at the salad from the side of the bowl, you see each color. I decided to taste this and was delighted that it was delicious.

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